Little Birdies Mobile Golf Academy is an innovative new program that introduces the game of Golf through Character Education coupled with STEM lessons, in a SAFE atmosphere. We have a comprehensive curriculum that is both educational and fun. In addition to this, we provide all supplies and equipment necessary to implement the program.
The idea of Little Birdies Mobile Golf Academy was launched in 2009 with the desire to introduce the historic game of golf to inner-city students and all of the character lessons it brings. The students were hesitant at first because of their lack of exposure to the game, but that changed when they began learning and applying the knowledge they gained on and off the golf course.
Little Birdies Mobile Golf Academy has reached over 1,500 students and continues to grow. We are partnered with L.B.M.G.A. Inc., and are able to provide classes to lower income children and Senior Citizens in addition to having an annual golf tournament that allows the kids to show their skills.
We will continue teaching the concepts, skills and fundamentals of the game of golf but our goal will always remain be to have a positive impact on all those we encounter.